Formation of United Nation

Why there is need of International organization?

International Human Rights Jurisprudence gained its significance after the Second World War; the incorporation of specific human rights provisions in the U.N. Charter paved the ways and means for further development in the field of Human Rights. The U. N. and its member states are equally obligated to make realization of those cherished provisions of Human Rights as laid down in the Charter. As a result, the United Nations has adopted the International bill of Human Rights and many other international multilateral human rights treaties dealing with various specialized aspects of human rights of individuals within the framework of the Charter.


Since the international Human Rights Law is also a branch of positive international law, the insertion of such human rights provisions in the charter has not only created the sole foundation of the contemporary global human rights regime, but also made the individual as the subject of international law and system rather than a mere object of them. The credential role of the international human rights NGOS and their meaningful contributions to the adoption of the U.N.Charter could also be sited as unique.

Step for formation of UN

Human right is a contemporary topic of international law and system. With the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, the recognition and realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals have become the most important issue of the global organization that is why the human rights issue has also emerged as anindispensableelement for restoration and maintenance of international peace and security. The specific inclusion of human rights provisions in the U.N. Charter also reflects the ultimate reaction of the world community to the horrors and terrors of the men made war and conflicts. The bitter experiences of the two devastating world wars, eventually led to a firm conviction to incorporate the human rights provisions in the U.N. Charter. Those initiatives, undertaken by the world community, marked a new beginning for promotion and protection of human rights which was, primarily vested in the nation states before the U.N. Charter was adopted. The human rights programmes of the U.N. have also signified the importance of such rights and freedoms of individuals irrespective of all kinds of differences among them. Henceforth, the U.N. Charter has ultimately recognized the historic man’s struggle for promotion and protection of basic rights. In this context, the contributions of the non-governmental organizations working in the field ofhuman rights could be cited as unique, specially at the time of drafting and incorporating human rights provisions in the charter. The U.N. Organs and its subsidiary bodies have also been embedded with the task to realize the human rights provisions as setforth in the Charter. Therefore, the issue of human rights has become a vital part of the U.N. obligations and programmes sponsored by the U.N. and its agencies in the post 1945.   

